Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away!

I am so thrilled that spring is here! But I am also very tired of the rain. I want to see blue skies along with all the pretty blooms that are everywhere. We did get a taste of spring a few weeks ago. We spent the afternoon of March 7th at a local park enjoying the warm sunshine. Here are a few pictures from that near-80-degree day...


  1. I'm ready for spring again too!!!! Where of where is the sunshine?!?!?

  2. I saw your comment on Chatting With the Sky about painting a cabinet. I am a professional faux finisher if you need any advice on how to go about painting it. Check out my blog or email if you'd like.

    PS I too am praying for sweet Baby Stellan!

    Bless you, Jennifer

  3. PS and I LUUUUVVVVVV Beth Moore. IN her 2nd bible study in a row.


I love to read your comments! Thank you for taking the time to respond. Blessings!