Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school! The morning began bright and early as we easily slipped back into our normal routine. This is our second year in our wonderful schools. Jacob, age 6, started first grade, Abbie, age 10, is in 5th, and Zachary, 12.5, is in 7th. It is my tradition to take photos as they leave for their first day... but I think I forgot to take them last year and the year before. I have them this year, though!

Jacob was "a little nervous" about starting first grade. Meeting his teacher at yesterday's open house helped make him a little more comfortable. Too bad that Jacob has to start the school year with a black eye! Just yesterday morning he was playing with his sister and somehow collided with something. He only has one classmate from last year, but a boy on our street that he has played with is in his class. I think he will have a great year!

Abbie is thrilled with her teachers this year. She got the homeroom teacher she wanted. He seems very sweet. She is also in the gifted program for math & reading. That teacher seems great too. Unfortunately, none of Abbie's closest friends are in her homeroom. And only one friend is in AIG with her. It was wonderful that she became good friends with girls in her class last year, since she was new to the school. I don't think she will have much trouble making friends this year, either.

Zachary leaves for school an hour after Abbie and Jacob. He was in the shower when the other kids left. Of course he was not thrilled to have mom taking his picture! But he smiled for me anyway!! He is a cool, soon-to-be-teenager, and all, you know! He has a couple friends in his classes. Zac is taking high school algebra with 26 other 7th graders. His open house was last week. I think he has a lot of great teachers. We will see what Zachary thinks about them as time goes on.

This morning we drove Abbie & Jacob to school. Their daddy likes to drive them each day. But they come home on the bus. I was there to meet them when it arrived this afternoon. The had a good day. Jacob said he had been a little scared, but the note I left in his lunchbox made him feel better. He also said, "I can't wait for tomorrow. I like school!"


  1. Oh, I have photos from my first days of school...how fun! They all looked great! Enjoy your quiet time. I homeschool mine and it's hard to find a quiet moment during the day.


  2. The kids look wonderful & so happy! Love Abbie's new haircut, adorable! And what a smartie Zachary is, way to go on the Algebra!
    Glad they all had a great day!

  3. And what did you do with yourself all day? :-) Hope you finally got some quiet time to yourself after your crazy summer!!!

  4. so glad that they all had a great first day!!

    thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement.

    i look forward to getting together with you really really soon!!!!!

  5. I hope the first day went well. Everyone looks so good!

    How quiet your house must feel now!!

  6. And how is the Mama feeling with the kids back in school? How sweet of you to put a note in your son's lunchbox!

    I love your daughter's flaming red hair!


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