Saturday, August 1, 2009

I {heart} mornings...

In this house, we are blessed to have a screened-in back porch. I love being the first one in the house who is awake in the morning. I come downstairs, make my pot of tea, grab my Bible, and head out to my favorite spot on the back porch. Since we live on the outer edge of our subdivision, our house backs up to a road that can be somewhat busy at times. So I really like to be up early, before folks start heading to work, so I have fewer passing cars interrupting my thoughts.

We do have a lovely buffer of trees on two sides. Our yard is like a park! Did I mention that we feel blessed to live in this house? Anyway, all those trees attract lots of birds... cardinals, woodpeckers, and this morning a hawk was screeching overhead. I love listening to all of them! We have three bunnies that also come to visit, as well as numerous squirrels. Past the trees, next to the road, joggers, cyclists, and dog-walkers make their way along the sidewalk. Overall, it is a peaceful spot to have my morning quiet time.

This is the view from our screened porch to our side yard, looking into the 40-foot-tall trees...

My husband also likes to sit out here with his Bible. Every day, we feel like the Lord is smiling down upon us. Both my husband and I see, so clearly each morning, this lovely heart framed by the trees! It makes my heart happy. And I am thankful. What a sweet reminder of our Lord's great love for us.

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called children of God!
And that is what we are!
1John 3:1a

I am sharing this gift of our everyday as part of Tuesdays Unwrapped with Emily at Chatting at the Sky. Check out more moments of thankfulness on her blog!

Chatting at the Sky


  1. This is so neat! What a great reminder that the Lord loves you so much!

  2. Wow, HOW COOL! I love the big heart in the sky! God does love us SO much & I am constantly awed that He cares enough to show us His love daily, in sooooo many ways! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
    (And I loved this post, too, great job!!)

  3. I agree; the heart is amazing! What a great reminder of how deep and wide and long and HIGH His love is for us!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. What a lovely reminder. :)

  5. hey terri! what an awesome picture! how perfect! i love it! thanks for stopping by my new blog and leaving a comment! i hope you visit again soon!

  6. You have a wonderful view! It's like an every day rainbow :)


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