Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Aahhh... that feels better!

I am a girl who loves lists! I have a pretty spiral notebook that is full of lists... monthly To Do lists, project lists, gift-giving lists, book to read, etc. I also make a daily To Do list on a cute pad of paper {and sometimes it takes a day or two or three to get through that list!}. But what has been driving me crazy is that I haven't had a place to see all my various projects laid out in one spot. I am visual and need to SEE it or I feel so out sorts and not organized.

After months of trying a few different systems and the frustration of not having a system at all, I finally came up with a plan I feel confident will work! So today I invested a few minutes and used some items I had on hand to create my new Project Board. I know this new system will be flexible and fluid -- just what I need!

Here are the ingredients:
  • Poster Board, 28"x22" {mine has a light grid on it that made things simple}
  • A pack of Post It Notes {one of my most favorite things in the world!}
  • A Sharpie Marker
  • My Favorite ABC Stickers
  • A large Ruler
  • A few strips of Scrapbook Paper
When I played with the Post It Notes, I figured out that I could lay them out 7 columns by 6 rows. I decided I would use the top row for my Project Titles, and have the tasks and due dates on Post It Notes below the titles. All I had to do was draw a few lines to divide up the poster board into 4"-wide columns, attached a 2.5" strip of scrapbook paper across the top, put on my title, and attach it to the wall!

Instant organization! I feel soooo much better now! Can you tell I am in denial about getting my taxes done?

Also linking up with Works For Me Wednesday at We Are That Family!


  1. Oh what a GREAT idea! I love this Terri! This has given me some wonderful inspiration! We have a cool old window that was converted into a dry-erase calendar, but being clear, sometimes the writing is difficult to see...I can use post-its! It is laid out in a similar grid pattern. Thanks for the inspiration, as always! Blessings!

  2. Great board, and I noticed the tax note right away. I'm right there with you! :)



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