Sunday, August 8, 2010

Traveling Man

Not only did Zac go on his first mission trip this summer, he has also taken a trip to Arizona to stay with my mom! She has wanted to have him come out for the last several summers; this year it worked out. My mom came out for two weeks, and had a ticket for Zac to fly home with her.

I have to admit is was a little strange to drop my oldest son at the airport and just let him go. He is 13.5, and growing up so quickly.

Arizona is obviously a lot different than North Carolina! I think it is great for him to see life from another perspective for a while.

I loved what my mom wrote on Facebook today... {of course it is also remarkable that my mom is actually, finally on Facebook!}:

Have had grandson Zac with me for the past couple of weeks and one more week to go!! We have been to the movies, shopping, eating out, quading, swimming a lot and just hanging out. Plus..........he helped with this dumb facebook, how to work the dvd player and even showed me things on my tv remote that I didn't know about. I will again be in the dark when he leaves.

It has been really strange at home with only two kids instead of three. It feels like Zachary has been gone forever! And looking at this picture of Zac with my mom... it looks like he has grown in the past couple of weeks. If not taller, then for sure in confidence and independence and perspective. He, of course, is most excited about his return flight... all alone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Terri , so glad you got a chance to stop by my blog. I bet your study is a good one. The Fire proof movie is one of my all time favorites..
    I teach a womans bible on
    Secrets transforming your life and marriage, written by Gary Smalley and Kari Clarensau.. it is very good too.
    well look forward to becoming Blogging Buddies..
    Have a blessed week and I will see ya again real soon


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