Monday, November 1, 2010

Dual Duty Gift

What a relief to have one Christmas gift completed and ordered! Gil's parents were just here for a week and I took as many pictures as I could. During the visit, the kids had a day off from school, and then Gil had them take two more days off to be with their grandparents. So they had some fun times out and about with Grandpa & Grandma Cendejas! However, I got fewer photos than I would have liked. But, I think I've made the most of those that we do have!!!

This is the custom photo calendar that I just ordered for Gil's parents' Christmas gift! This is really cool because the top strip with the spiral binding, and the calendar part on the bottom, both tear off, leaving an 8x8 scrapbook page.
Last year, Gil's parents visited and I sent them an 8x8 PicFolio Max album with several completed pages in it. The idea was to keep adding to it for them. The Max album is really nice because each page is a giant side-loading pocket, so it is super-easy for them to put in additional scrapbook pages.

Now they will have 12 additional pages for their album!

Because their visit was in October, most of our pictures are fall themed. I didn't try to worry about the months on the calendar, but thought instead about the flow of the scrapbook album. My intent was to document their visit, and the calendar was just an extra bonus!

I actually created the calendar as a 12x18, which would make 12x12 scrapbook pages, or page prints. I always like to design in the larger size, then with a simple click I can convert my project down to the smaller size. That way, I can use some of these pages for our album!

I wanted to get this completed and ordered so I would have it for my Open House on November 20th. {December 13th is the deadline to order for Christmas delivery!} I actually started it Tuesday night. Then I worked on it again Saturday afternoon, finished it up, and got it ordered! I love digital scrapbooking because it is so quick!!!

I mostly used the Free Presdesigned templates found here, but I also adapted most of them somewhat. This page I played with using one picture for the whole page. I like it!

In just a few hours, I have 12 pages finished!

I think you can see that we had a good time at the pumpkin patch!

Of course, the visit was much too short... and the visits are far too infrquent... but Gil's parents can be reminded of our time together all year long!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful gift! One that I'm sure will be treasured!


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