Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas is for kids

But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
~Luke 18:16

Right in my kitchen I have a beloved Nativity set. Whenever small children come to visit, they are immediately attracted to it. And their mamas are almost always heard asking, "Are you supposed to be touching that?"

And my response is always, "That's why it is there."

I love that kids can touch and feel and act out the Christmas Story. It should be right within their reach. My children have always loved playing with this set. And I can always count on one of them to put it back "right" after other kids have come along and set it up their way. I love that having this Nativity right at hand and eye level allows the opportunity to talk about Jesus and God and this beautiful season of Christmas!

I am linking this post up with Richella at Imparting Grace. She is having a Home for the Holy Days party!


  1. darling nativity set! i really to make it a priority to find a child-friendly set that they can handle without me panicking! and you are so right: christmas is for children!

  2. I LOVE this, Terri! I've given away more than one "Little People" nativity sets; I wish I'd thought to buy one for myself and to set it up for all the little people who might be in my house at Christmastime! :)

    Thanks so much for linking to my party. I hope you're having a blessed Christmastide!

  3. Even though my children are adults and no grand children yet, my great nieces and nephews come to my house during the season so I need to get a "kid friendly" nativity for next year. Great idea!


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