Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So, as I have mentioned, I am doing this poetry book project for Jacob's class. So far I have 12 preorders from parents for 7x5 softcover StoryBooks, which is very exciting!! Jacob's teacher sent home the poems the children wrote so I could include them. Last week I had taken individual pictures of the kids. So now I am putting together the pages in StoryBook Creator, and will finalize and upload the project for printing tonight. We hope to have the bound books back in time for the poetry celebration at school at the end of next week!

I was excited to see Jacob's poem and couldn't wait to see what he wrote. His poem used "My Family" as an acrostic. The first thing I noticed was that all the other kids did their poems in pencil. Jacob started out that way, then traced his with marker. He had the only colorful poem! My unique and creative boy!!

I kind of wondered how he came up with "swiM" to describe our family, but did notice a lot of "collaboration" among the poets. Many children had some overlapping ideas in their poems. He went on to list "play in Yard", "Funny", "Art", "Me"... so far so good. And then I just had to pause and catch my breath!

His next word to describe his family was "yellIng"! Oh my!!! I had to ask him about it, of course. I asked who yells in our house. He said everybody, even himself. Yes, I have to admit, our home can get a little boisterous and loud at times. I was encouraged when I saw the last two items on his list: "Loving" and "sillY". Overall, a pretty good picture of our family. But we definitely need to watch out for the yelling!

Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in
your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything,
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
~Ephesians 5:19-20

Jacob's page in the 1st grade class poetry book

1 comment:

  1. Terri, this book is going to be amazing! Man, I'll bet that teacher is so glad to have YOUR kid in class!

    Hmmm. . . we could probably end up in the "yelling" category too. Life gets loud, doesn't it?

    Take care! :)
