Big Boo Cast: Episode 424
11 hours ago
This past Thursday, Marcus was in a serious motorcycle accident. I have only been posting on Facebook but have now had the time to set up a Caring Bridge website. You can access it at:
This will be the only email that I send out about the incident. This way those that want to stay updated or communicate with us can via this website. Please know that there is a "tribute" link. If you give any money it goes to keeping the website going, it is not asking for contributions to us or the his accident. The website is non-profit and it just helps folks stay connected through things like this situation. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that, it is a little unclear if you have never used Caring Bridge before.
We love you all and just want to keep you updated as to what is happening and how we are doing. This is a whole new phase and a new way of life for us and no matter what happens, I pray we praise God through every step.
Gathered to pray before a potluck at our house, October 2010 |
Marcus continues to be stable and rested well through the night. Today is becoming rough as his body is coming out of shock and they are taking him off continuous sedation. He wakes up and is very anxious but yet can't move or talk because of restraints and the ventilator and I take comfort that I can be by his side to hold his hand, speak to him and help relax him.
This will continue to be a rough day for him and it was very hard to see a tears roll out of his eyes as they adjust and wean from sedation, but each as hard as it is, they are all excellent signs that he is aggravated by the tube that would aggravate anyone normally. All is the same as yesterday and basically will be until Monday.
Monday will be a very rough day. He will have the spinal surgery and they will finish cleaning up from the amputation. They will place a torso hard casting on him, begin taking the ventilator tube out, having him at a 30 degrees angle and work on getting him to cough and help his lungs. So he will have to do a lot and be aware of it all. Prayers for wisdom for the docs and staff and strength for him and I.
Love, Sue Herron Cooper
Marcus & Sue as I arrived at my surprise birthday party in November |
Thank you the offer, right now family is here to help but in the weeks and months of the beginning of this journey, I know I will need help.
Marcus has stayed stable thru the night. They had an MRI at 1:30am, pain but they have good meds. He is still considered critically ill and will be for a while. He has a fracture at his t8 and t9 vertebrea, surgery will be in 3 or 4 days. It is a good possibility that he will not get feeling from that part Down, but in my opinion only if that is God's will. It was not the hip socket but a break at the top of his right femur. That surgery may be today or tomorrow. We are not sure about any injuries in the neck they hope to test him today to find out more. He'll stay in a neck brace until they know more.
Marcus is stable & resting remarkably well. For his injuries & status, he is at the top of his class & doing excellent. He has intermittent feeling from his mid-torso (the spinal injury area) down to about the top 1/3 of his thigh. One time he feels it, the next not, the next yes. So, still unsure if it is still trauma & just temporary or if he will loose feeling completely. Monday he will have back surgery to have a temporary fix to the spinal injury.
He will continue on the ventilator thru the weekend and Mon surgery just to allow his body complete rest without having to work. They began a feeding tube today. God promises a peace beyond understanding when our faith is in Him, I have truly felt it since the moment I received the call yesterday. The realities & future began hitting me between the eyes today, but God in His grace continued to bring someone with right scripture to me and not allow me to worry about the future.
I have decided to stay at home tonight and pray for sleep. I haven't slept in 2 days. I have read all of my posts & texts, I have not heard all of my voice mails, sorry. Thank you for prayers, thank you for your love and thank you for not letting me be alone. Good night and I will post another update after speaking with the doctors in the morning.