After our Friday night date, Gil and I got another date on Saturday! We spent the evening at a cute, country corn maze... listening to a great band, eating grilled hamburgers, and enjoying the beautiful, crisp, fall weather.

Gil really liked the band, which we didn't realize would be there. We enjoyed the extra time together.

And Abbie enjoyed the time to play a game of football with all her friends!

Did I mention that we were on a middle school youth outing? We were part of the adult leaders attending the Fall Kick Off. It was a great event with dinner, fun, fellowship, and s'mores around the bonfire. Here is our wonderful youth pastor Justin challenging the students. We had a great evening out with all these cool kids.
And on the way home on the bus, I got to snuggle with my sweetie!
What an awesome outing, sounds SO fun!! The kids & I had so much fun there today, how cool that they allow youth events & such, as well!
By the way, love that pic of you & Gil by the rusty old truck, SO cute!
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